Analysis: Editing and Sound 3


Document the setting, location (inside-outside), genre, theme, tone, the mood of the film. It includes narrative elements such as text, voice-over, etc. 

The setting takes place in an community of people that seem to be floating on an island above the skies. The environment contains houses, buildings, neighborhoods, and other things you’d find walking around. The genre is a Novel and it teaches a lesson about Individuals and Society along with expressions of emotions. The mood in the opening film shows grayness and void of all emotions as seen by expressions and the colors used. The lack of emotions in the characters voices emphasizes this as it feels almost robot-like. The beginning text used before the film opens creates a serious tone to show that there is an issue with the world of The Giver. 

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Beat II: The Inciting Incident 

It is the central theme or premise of the film. The message, the truth you want to reveal by the end of your screenplay.  



  • Three friends together attempt to find out the secrets of this community. 

  • To express that freedoms of emotions and expressions should never be kept hidden. 

  • The main character attempts to solve the question as to why he was different compared to his friends and other people. 


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Describe Beat II 

Jonas is suddenly interrupted from his inner monologue by his friends. Continue on with the scene, it sets up dialogue to show the conncetion Jonas’ and his friends have. 


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